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At the beginning of each fall and spring semester, Alpha Sigma Kappa hosts informal recruitment events on campus. These events are FREE, open to anyone interested in learning more about our organization, and are more laid-back than formal recruitment. This way, potential Candidates (also called Potential New Members or "PNMs") have the opportunity to get to know Active Members on a personal level.  There is no dress code, you can arrive and leave at any time, and you can bring any friends you might think would be interested in joining the sorority as well.  


For information about current recruitment, see the Important Dates.


To be considered for Candidacy, a potential Candidate must satisfy certain requirements. A 2.0 on a 4.0 GPA scale is required, as well as for one's major or area of study to be under our currently accepted majors (see below). If your major is not on the list, you can may still be able to join! Potential Candidates must also attend AT LEAST three recruitment events during that given semester.  


Once a person becomes a Candidate, they and their fellow Candidate Class will learn more about the organization through education with the Membership Education and Development chair, and will receive a Big, who will help them transition through Candidacy to Active Membership. Big and Littles often form friendships that last for life!




College of Science and Engineering

Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics 

Astrophysics BA

Biomedical Engineering

Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering

Chemical Engineering 

Chemistry BA

Civil Engineering 

Computer Engineering 

Computer Science BA

Data Science BS

Earth Sciences

Electrical Engineering BS

Environmental Engineering

Environmental Geosciences BS


Industrial and Systems Engineering 

Materials Science and Engineering 


Mechanical Engineering 




 College of Design

Architecture BDA/BS

Landscape Design and Planning 

Product Design


College of Biological Sciences



Cellular and Organismal Physiology BS

Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior 

Genetics, Cell Biology and Development 



Plant and Microbial Biology


Center for Allied Health Programs

Medical Laboratory Science BS


College of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resource Sciences

Animal Science

Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology

Food Science

Food Systems

Forest and Natural Resource Management


Plant Science

Sustainable Systems Management



College of Continuing Education and Professional Studies

Information Technology Infrastructure


Carlson School of Management

Management Information Systems BSB


School of Dentistry

Dental Hygiene BS


School of Nursing

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


College of Education and Human Development



College of Liberal Arts


Biology, Society & Environment


Computer Science

Earth Sciences BA

Environmental Geosciences BA

Geography BS

Human Physiology

Mathematics BA

Mathematics - Actuarial Science

Mathematics - Computer Applications

Mathematics - Mathematics Education

Mathematics - Mathematical Biology: Genomics

Mathematics - Mathematical Biology: Physiology

Physics BS/BA


Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences BA

Statistics BS/BA

Statistical Practice BA

Statistical Science BS


 If you don't see your major in the list above, you may still be able to join!  Please contact President Katie Kooy ( if this is the case.

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